
Oncall is a web-based clinical systems platform that provides portability, shareability, and aggregation of clinical data.

At the heart of the system is a comprehensive electronic health record (EHR) designed to optimize delivery of care. Using flexible language recognition and standard vocabularies to collect and categorize patient data such as medications, allergies, problems and procedures, Oncall is able to present information in a meaningful, actionable format. Common data is seamlessly shared, while “brands” allow unique software, services and presentations to support the varying needs and workflows of individual departments.

The interoperable system supports a wide range of unique departmental needs and workflows, including:

  • Compliance
  • Quality Assurance
  • Decision Support
  • Learning
  • Complex Scheduling
  • Billing
  • Communication

Oncall is certified as a complete ambulatory EHR under the ONC HIT 2011 edition certification criteria and is Surescripts certified for prescription routing.


Current users:
Access Oncall (requires Partners intranet access)
EduOncall Online EHR Training

Unique Brands - Unique Features

Surgery Oncall

Surgery Oncall serves the collection of clinical metrics for quality assurance purposes. The National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (NSQIP) module functions as both a repository of surgical quality data, as well as the vehicle through which cases are identified, and transmitted to the national NSQIP data warehouse.

Nurse reviewers collect preoperative, operative and postoperative variables on patients undergoing major operations. Morbidity is scored as the presence or absence of predefined postoperative occurrences, ranging from minor to life threatening conditions. This data is transmitted electronically to the coordinating center. MGH uses the data to identify areas that would benefit from quality improvement initiatives. In addition, the NSQIP data is used in pay-for-performance programs, ongoing physician performance evaluations (a requirement of the Joint Commission), benchmarking data for Department of Surgery quality reporting, and to support various research projects.

Surgery Oncall also supports the Morbidity and Mortality process at MGH, providing a means for providers to capture details about relevant cases for peer group discussion.

Vascular Oncall

Vascular Oncall provides methods to track patient populations for quality assessment and improved outcomes. It aggregates data into patient registries and, like Surgery Oncall, creates a framework for case reviews and quality assurance.

Ob Oncall

LCS designed and implemented a specialized medical record system for the MGH Obstetrics Practice. The system serves as their primary medical record for prenatal care. For inpatient labor and delivery (L&D), it provides access to prenatal information and summarizes the L&D episode for an automated discharge summary and birth record.

Transplant Oncall

Transplant Oncall provides access to the web-based electronic health record for the MGH Transplant Center and represents a meta-brand of Oncall spanning four distinct clinical domains: Cardiology, Pulmonary, Nephrology and Hepatology. It supports the unique work-flows of each of these distinct domains with customized workflow support for the entire transplant candidate life-cycle, from recipient referral through candidate evaluation, UNOS listing, and transplantation.

Transplant Oncall also includes donor-based workflow support for evaluation of both living-related and living-unrelated patients.  Transplant related data is stored in a Graft-Based Population Management Database System. This system enables the MGH Transplant Center to capture and report on clinical and process data on a per-graft basis in their effort to streamline clinical workflow, simplify regulatory reporting and improve clinical outcomes.

Infectious Diseases Oncall

Provides a specialized electronic health record for HIV care and an infrastructure for HIV clinical research. This EHR includes sophisticated and effective clinical decision support (CDS) systems that show interactive provider alerts to prompt clinic follow-up, and health maintenance alerts generated by a customized rule engine.

Clinical Research Oncall

Provides an internal Partners-only portal that enables clinical researchers to contact potential study participants registered as volunteers via RSVP for Health, and to post advertisements for clinical trials on the Partners clinical trials website.

Rheumatology Oncall

Rheumatology Oncall was funded by the Clinical Research Program to provide a platform for clinical research in Rheumatology. The main dashboard page is integrated with the LMR and provides a graphic disease activity score calculator for use with patients having rheumatoid arthritis.

Reproductive Endocrinology Oncall

Provides an electronic health record for reproductive endocrine patient care and an infrastructure for integrating with research databases. Special features include a tool to import ultrasound data into the medical record for note writing and data analysis.

Cardiology Oncall

Cardiac Oncall is designed to meet unique needs of the Mass General Heart Center with integrated lab requests, procedural and resource schedule, visit based billing, and communication modules.

It supports the scheduling of complex labs, procedures, and resources unique to Cardiology. Inpatient billing is tied to clinical events, ensuring that procedures are properly billed. It also provides a framework for provider coverage and communication.

Meaningful Use Dashboard

A Meaningful Use Dashboard, built in to Oncall, allows both practices and individual providers to track and report their progress meeting meaningful use goals. Users can see at a glance what the objectives are, who is responsible, and whether goals have been met. The information can be exported for sharing and reporting.



The Oncall EHR technology has been licensed and will be commercially through Amazing Charts.